SpeedBlaster and MemoryMeter
Removal Instructions and Help

What is SpeedBlaster or MemoryMeter?
SpeedBlaster and MemoryMeter are programs offered for download and sold by a company called TotalVelocity. SpeedBlaster is supposed to speed up your internet connection by changing the various MTU, RWIN, and other settings in Windows to optimize your internet connection. Unfortunately, these improvements can also be accomplished either manually or be using a spyware-free program like DRTCP.

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MemoryMeter meanwhile allows you to monitor your system's memory usage and warn you when this usage is too low. A nice little program except for the loss of privacy involved. There are several shareware programs on the market that accomplish the same thing without the privacy breach.

What are the Privacy Concerns for SpeedBlaster and MemoryMeter?

Both SpeedBlaster and MemoryMeter have very interesting Terms of Service agreements. Both state that:

"By using the Software, you may be exposed to contaminated files, computer viruses, eavesdropping, harassment, electronic trespassing, hacking and other harmful acts or consequences that might lead to unauthorized invasion of privacy, loss of data and other damages. Furthermore, by installing the Software on your computer, you understand that: (i) certain system non-personally identifiable information, including statistical data, stored on your computer will be made available and transmittable to Total Velocity servers or the servers of affiliated companies of Total Velocity; (ii) other information available now or in the future including links, services, messages advertisements, cookies and the like may be installed on your computer and; (iii) Total Velocity may automatically transmit to and install on your computer, Software improvements, corrections, adaptations, conversions to more recent Software versions or any other changes to the Software, with or without giving notice."

MemoryMeter also asks your year of birth, zip code, and sex before fully installing.

How do I Remove SpeedBlaster and Memory Blaster?

Here is the easiest way to fully remove these programs.

1) Restart your computer in Safe Mode by pressing F8 when the computer is first booting up and choosing Safe Mode from the Startup Menu

2) Once in Safe Mode, Click on Start, Settings, Control Panel

3) Click on Add/Remove Programs

4) Find the following programs and Choose Add/Remove to uninstall them.

For SpeedBlaster remove:

TV T-Media Display (TVTMD.exe in Windows directory)

For MemoryMeter remove:

TV Media Display (TVMD.exe in Windows directory)

** The procedure seems to almost stall or lock up when uninstalling the TV Media or TV T-Media Display program. Be patient and allow it to fully uninstall.

5) Close Add/Remove Programs and Control Panel

6) For Memory Meter, double-click on My Computer, Drive C, Program Files and right-click and Delete the Memory Manager directory that is left behind after uninstalling.

7) Reboot your computer in normal mode

8) Download and run Spybot Search and Destroy to remove any remaining registry entries

If your computer is still experiencing internet connectivity problems, download and run the WinsockFix program


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